Postcode Estimated Technology Lookup

The URL is an API endpoint for checking broadband availability in a particular area.

In this case, the endpoint is checking the availability of broadband in the area with the postcode L10AB using a simple API response format. This means that the API response will provide basic information on broadband availability in the area, such as whether broadband is available or not, the estimated download and upload speeds, and the type of broadband technology available.

The API endpoint is likely used by applications or services that need to check broadband availability in a particular area, such as online retailers that sell broadband services, or by consumers who want to check what broadband services are available in their area.


The data displayed on broadband coverage availability uses source data from Ofcom. The predicted speeds provided in the API data are provided by the leading UK ISPs.

We understand that Ofcom did not receive data for every premise in the UK, and that Ofcom continue to work with industry to fill in the gaps. If no predictions are shown for your address, this does not necessarily mean broadband is not available and we suggest that you check availability on the ISP websites.

For further information about the Ofcom APIs, read their FAQs available here:
