General Settings

Queue Name

  • This field is used to define the name of the queue.

Queue Number (Optional)

  • This number allows callers to enter the queue directly and is typically used for transferring calls to the queue.

Always Record

  • Enabling this option ensures that all calls entering the queue are automatically recorded.

Caller Playback Options

  • This setting lets you choose what the caller hears while waiting in the queue. Options include Music On Hold, continuous ringing, or Music On Hold until the agent’s phone rings, followed by ringing.

Queue Timeout

  • This determines how long a caller can remain in the queue before being redirected to the destination specified in the "On timeout" setting.

Service Level

  • This defines the maximum number of seconds a caller should remain in the queue. It's primarily used for statistical analysis to calculate the Service Level Agreement (SLA) for the queue.

Maximum Queue Length

  • This sets the maximum number of callers that can be held in the queue at any given time.

Queue Weight

  • Assigns a priority to the queue compared to others. Queues with higher weights are prioritized when the same agent is part of multiple queues, especially in strategies where agents are not ordered, such as the ring-all strategy.

Auto Fill

  • When enabled, this allows the queue to push multiple calls through at once until no more callers are waiting or no agents are available.

On Timeout

  • Specifies the destination to which callers are sent if the "Queue Timeout" is reached.

Queue Server

  • Defines which server will host the queue. If the selected server becomes unavailable, the queue will be reassigned to another server after a few seconds.



  • This setting defines how calls are distributed among agents. Options include:
    • Ring All: All agents are rung simultaneously.
    • Round Robin: Agents are rung one at a time in a rotating order.
    • Random: Agents are rung in a random order.
    • Weighted Random: Calls are distributed randomly, with agent penalties affecting the likelihood of being selected.
    • Least Recent: The agent who has gone the longest without a call is rung.
    • Fewest Calls: The agent with the fewest total calls is rung.
    • Linear: Agents are rung in a specific order, though this requires a queue to be recreated if changed.


  • The agents assigned to the queue, which can include extensions, custom destinations ("Forward To"), and external agents.

Custom Destination Agents

  • Custom destination agents can have different settings:
    • Normal: Tracks the usage of the external number, avoiding delivery to busy extensions.
    • No State Monitoring: Ignores the usage of the external number, allowing it to ring regardless of status.
    • Full Features: Tracks usage and applies all custom destination features when dialing out.

Ring When In Use/Offline

  • This setting always dials the agent, even if they are in use or offline. Useful for applying "Additional Destination" or Follow Me/Find Me (FMFM) for the extension.

Agent Timeout

  • Specifies the duration for ringing an agent before moving to the next one.

Wrap-Up Time

  • Allows the agent a set amount of time after finishing a call before being presented with another. This may not apply if the agent is part of multiple queues.

Wait Time for Retry

  • Determines how long the system waits before attempting to dial the same agent again.

Auto Pause

  • Automatically pauses an agent if they do not answer a call.

Auto Pause Delay

  • Delays the auto-pause feature by a specified number of seconds from the agent’s last call. For instance, if set to 360 seconds, the agent won’t be auto-paused if they miss a call within that time frame since their last call.

On No Available Members

  • Defines the destination to route calls if all agents are offline, paused, or have Do Not Disturb (DND) enabled. This is not triggered if at least one agent is available, even if they are busy.

On No Free Members

  • Specifies the destination for calls when all agents are busy, offline, paused, or have DND enabled.

Agent Announce

  • The message played to the agent when they answer a call.

Agent Confirm Message

  • When an agent with confirmation enabled answers, this message invites them to accept the call.

Run AGI on Agent Answer

  • Allows you to define an AGI script to run when the agent answers the call.

Max Call Duration

  • Limits the duration of calls to a specified number of seconds.

Periodic Announcements

Announce Frequency

  • Sets how often the announcement is played to the caller.

Periodic Announce

  • Allows you to select the specific announcement to be played periodically to callers.

Queue Exit Key

Queue Exit Key

  • You can define a key that, when pressed by the caller, sends them to a different destination.

On Exit Key

  • Specifies the destination for callers who press the exit key. A unique option is "Exit the Queue and call back when it is your turn," which places the caller’s information in a callback list to be called back when their turn arrives.

Callback Service

Callback Enabled

  • This is the main switch to turn the callback feature on or off.

Callback When Agents Available

  • Calls back the caller only when an agent is available to take the call.

On Queue Callback

  • Defines an additional destination to use before reconnecting the caller to the queue. The "Queue" destination should never be entered here.

Caller ID Number

  • Sets the Caller ID number to display when dialing back the caller.

Caller ID Name

  • Sets the Caller ID name to display when dialing back the caller.

Callback Max Attempts

  • Defines how many times the system will attempt to call back the caller before giving up. A call attempt is made every minute.

Abandoned Calls

Notify Abandoned Calls to Email

  • Allows you to receive notifications via email when a caller hangs up before being served. An email template must be defined to receive these notifications.

Callback Abandoned Calls

  • Automatically adds abandoned callers to the queue callback list.

Position/Time Announcements

Announce Frequency

  • Sets how often the caller’s position or estimated wait time is announced.

Announce Hold Time

  • Enables the announcement of the estimated hold time.

Announce Position

  • Enables the announcement of the caller’s current position in the queue.